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How to Stay Motivated When Losing Weight !

How to Stay Motivated When Losing Weight !

Do you want to get in shape and change your life but your lame excuses always come in the way and you decide to drop it to tomorrow.

Well, who doesn’t wanna have that attractive body physique to feel good about themselves but who’s gonna sweat it off in the gym for it .

But it’s not  just about attracting other sex and have a beautiful body, it is also about believing in yourself and have that confidence in your life that you can achieve anything in life if you set your mind to it.

Well if you have been in search for an external motivation which will the drive the fire in you, then it is just like finding water in a desert but believe me if your own dreams can’t inspire you then probably nothing can .

However if you can’t find motivation then why not create it.

1. Get some new gym gear :


Maybe your bored of wearing your years old training shoes and pajamas to hit the track, then why not give yourself a makeover, buy new training shoes and a proper gym clothes so you look like a pro even when you aren’t.

Not only new training shoes will be much lighter so you could feel as if you’re bare feet but much soft and cool looking.

In this way not only you will gain confidence in your workout but also the way you look.

2. Don’t stick in one place :


So if you find constantly running on the same track boring (which most people do) or going to same gym seeing same people everyday makes you a little less inspired then you just need an environment change where you can have new energy and people around you. 

So for this I have the perfect solution which works for me every damn time, grab a bike and a partner to give you a company and just think yourself as lightning McQueen, but don’t get yourself hurt.

3. Let Music Take Over :


It’s nothing new that people in gym use music as a partner when they are alone but the relation between physical activity and music doesn’t end here.

According to Science, People use music as a gateway to their past memories and emotions whether good or bad and how can we forget that no matter where our favorite jams comes on the radio we start to dance around the car.

Not only this but it is also found that Workout effort increases up to 15% when people listen to fast music tracks in the gym rather than the music track which has slow beat because people try to catch up with the beat.

4. Try the Tech :


Well if you really want to hit the park, your best partner can be a smart watch, and it is nothing new that there are tons of cool features in smart watches nowadays.

They can tell you your heart rate, the distance you covered during a walk or a run, number of calories you burned during a cardio session.

Not only this but there are also a ton of new applications which help you meet your fitness goals by providing you with daily fitness workouts and much more.

5. Get paid for losing weight :


The best way you can pay yourself for the hard work can be recording a video documentary showing your daily diet routine, workout sessions throughout your weight loss journey and then when you achieve your goal, put it on YouTube and start a weight loss motivation channel and YouTube will later pay you to host ads on it.

Other way can also be Blogging if you are not comfortable doing a Video series, you can spread your message through text and pictures which is also quite easy like I which I do for a living :).


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